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Every week during our worship assemblies, we hear a message from one of our ministers. These are based on teachings from the Bible and are often part of a series organized around a topic or a section of Scripture.

Do you have a question about the Bible, following  Jesus, or being a part of the Church? We'd love to talk with you. Start a Conversation with us today!

A&M Church of Christ

2475 Earl Rudder Fwy S

College Station, TX 77845


Donations can be mailed to:

PO Box 9063

College Station, TX 77842


Sunday Worship: 8:30 & 10:30am

           Español: 9:30am


Sunday Bible Class: 9:40am*

  *Children's classes begin at 9:30am

Wednesday Bible Class: 7:00pm


Office Hours: Mon - Fri: 8am-4pm | Tel: 979-693-0400





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