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Pacesetters Ministry

Active Senior Adults

Senior adults are not called to merely sit around and watch!


They are examples, role models, mentors and the "pacesetters" of our community.  They are highly valued and play an active role in church life. Various ministries have been formed that give our active seniors an opportunity to connect with others, serve those in need and impact our world.


Contact Deb and Rick Foster at to get involved.

Get Connected!

Fellowship Game Nights

Whether it is dominoes, cards or another source of entertainment, you'll find our game nights are always accompanied by great food and lots of fun. 

Service Projects

Lincoln House Food Distribution, Family Promise, Brazos Food Pantry. . . .

There are many ways to serve others in our community to God's glory.

Area Trips

Interesting daytrips are planned throughout the year providing regular opportunities to learn more about Central Texas and get to know others. 

Special Speakers

Regular fellowship meals are a great way to get to know others, enjoy some good food and meet new people.  Occasionally we have the opportunity to hear  speakers share their expertise on topics of interest.  

Intergenerational Interaction

Whether its Bible Studies with college students, gatherings with young marrieds or hosting international students for a meal in your home, there are many opportunities to mentor, encourage and build relationships. 

Linda's Card Ministry

Since 2013, hundreds of encouraging cards have been received by those who are suffering in crisis or celebrating a special life event.  This ministry was named "Linda's Card Ministry" after Linda Forsthoff who passed away in 2015. 

A&M Church of Christ

2475 Earl Rudder Fwy S

College Station, TX 77845


Donations can be mailed to:

PO Box 9063

College Station, TX 77842


Sunday Worship: 8:30 & 10:30am

           Español: 9:30am


Sunday Bible Class: 9:40am*

  *Children's classes begin at 9:30am

Wednesday Bible Class: 7:00pm


Office Hours: Mon - Fri: 8am-4pm | Tel: 979-693-0400





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